Picture of a gear shift

Common Transmission Problems


None of us like dealing with car troubles, but some of the most dreaded are transmission problems. The transmission is an important, complex system that controls how your car shifts gears. Two main types of transmission are available: automatic and manual (stick shift). While some problems are specific to the type of transmission, most transmission problems will look the same in every car. Below are some common transmission problems.

There’s a Fluid Leak

Low levels of transmission fluid can cause a number of other problems (some of which are discussed below). Transmission fluid is typically red and sweet smelling, though it can also smell burnt at times. If you notice puddles of red fluid on your driveway, check your transmission fluid level. Unlike other fluids in your vehicle, transmission fluid isn’t supposed to be consumed. If the level is too low, you may have a leak somewhere.

The Check Engine Light is On

The check engine light can turn on for a lot of different reasons. If your transmission has overheated, or if there’s a problem with the solenoid or the speed sensors, it may trigger the check engine light. Because the check engine light covers a broad range of things, it’s a good idea to bring your car to a mechanic when the light turns on. At Restored Auto, LLC, we can run diagnostics and locate the cause behind your check engine light. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Your Car is Shaking or Shuddering

Shaking is another symptom that can be caused by a lot of things. If it’s your transmission that’s causing it, you’ll be more likely to have shaking or shuddering at higher speeds. Vehicles with automatic transmission are shakier when they transition between gears. Vehicles with manual transmission may have shaking accompanied by a grinding noise. It’s also important to note that certain vehicles from certain manufacturers are more prone to shaky transmissions. For example, any General Motors vehicle made between 2014 and 2020 are extra susceptible to shaky transmissions.

There’s a Burning Smell

If you notice a burning smell coming for your vehicle, it may mean your transmission fluid is too low. The clutch can begin to burn if it’s not properly lubricated. Don’t ignore burning smells. Transmission repairs can be costly. Even if your transmission is not to blame for the smell, nothing should be burning in your vehicle.

The Gear Shift is Delayed

If your vehicle’s gear shifts are delayed, it could be caused by a few different things. Some potential transmission issues that cause gear shift delays include:

  • Low levels of transmission fluid
  • Contaminated transmission fluid
  • Excess water from flooding
  • Solenoid issues
  • Clogged transmission filters
  • Defective transmission cooler

A functioning transmission will shift into place with ease. Even if you’re not sure what’s causing the delay, it’s a good idea to take your vehicle for service if you notice one.

Your Car Won’t Stay in Gear

If your car won’t stay in gear or won’t engage after it’s in gear, that’s a big indicator of a transmission problem. Things that can cause this include:

  • Low levels of transmission fluid
  • Shifter or shifter cable problems
  • Valve body problems (automatic transmission)

Manual cars will make a grinding sound when shifting between gears, and automatic cars will wobble. Newer cars will probably need a computer system check. If your car won’t stay in gear, give Restored Auto, LLC a call.

The Transmission is Slipping or the Engine is Revving

A slipping transmission will feel like you’re driving over ice or another traction-less surface. When it slips between gears, the engine may rev. A slipping transmission can be caused by low transmission fluid, contaminated transmission fluid, or internal wear and tear. If the slipping is not because of the transmission fluid, it might be an issue with the link that holds the gears in place. This can be dangerous, so be sure to have your car serviced as soon as possible.

Call Restored Auto, LLC for help with your transmission.

If your vehicle has a transmission problem, call Restored Auto, LLC for help. From fluid leaks to slipping transmissions to shaking or shuddering, we can take a look under the hood and determine what the problem is and how best to fix it. We’d be happy to help you get your car up and running again, so give us a call to schedule an appointment.